Raising awareness of climate change and the SDG goals

Biorizon Biotech's production model is based on the circular economy, being a world pioneer in the development and commercialization of bioprotectors and biopotentiators developed based on microalgae, becoming a natural alternative to traditional fertilizers and pesticides. Our production processes reduce the impact of industrial productive activity on the climate, guaranteeing biodiversity and the ecosystem by developing microalgae crops in a sustainable way that will become their own raw materials.

We are active members of the United Nations Global Compact.

We were selected to participate in COP 25 and show our concept of circular economy.

We actively support the dissemination of the concept of Sustainable Agriculture.

We disseminate through
scientific articles, congresses and industry associations the benefits of Bioagriculture

We are adhered to the Pact
United Nations World
being active members

We were selected for
Participate in COP 25 and
show our concept of
circular economy

We actively support the
dissemination of the concept of
Sustainable Agriculture

We disseminate through
scientific articles,
congresses and associations
sectoral benefits of

Reducing the environmental impact of our packaging

We are subscribed to the extended producer responsibility system with SIGFITO.
In this way, we guarantee a collection system for our containers so that they receive the correct environmental treatment.

Reducing the carbon footprint of our processes

We are subscribed to the extended producer responsibility system with SIGFITO.
In this way, we guarantee a collection system for our containers so that they receive the correct environmental treatment.

Reducing the carbon footprint of our processes

We are subscribed to the extended producer responsibility system with SIGFITO.
In this way, we guarantee a collection system for our containers so that they receive the correct environmental treatment.

We capture CO2 from our surroundings and improve their environment.

Our microalgae cultivation plants behave as large CO2 capture forests, improving the environmental quality of our surroundings.

We capture CO2 from our surroundings and improve their environment.

Our microalgae cultivation plants behave as large CO2 capture forests, improving the environmental quality of our surroundings.

We use renewable energies

We take advantage of the privileged environment we enjoy, which provides us with many hours of daylight throughout the year, to reduce the use of other energies by means of solar panels. One of the main lines of our Strategic Plan is to reduce the use of non-renewable energies in our production processes as much as possible.

We use renewable energies

We take advantage of the privileged environment we enjoy, which provides us with many hours of daylight throughout the year, to reduce the use of other energies by means of solar panels. One of the main lines of our Strategic Plan is to reduce the use of non-renewable energies in our production processes as much as possible.


Biorizon Biotech-UAL Chair on "Agriculture Regenerative in 4.0 "

The Biorizon Biotech-UAL Chair on "Regenerative Agriculture in 4.0" aims to deepening knowledge and fostering both knowledge transfer and knowledge generation. of knowledge in the field of microalgae, other micro-organisms and natural solutions, relying on the use of modernisation, digitalisation and automation of processes. In this way, the aim is to contribute to the development of the concept of Regenerative Agriculture in a connected environment, as a solution for sustainable environmental, social and economic development. The purpose of this Chair is to establish channels for the implementation of activities dissemination, research and transfer activities in the field of microalgae and other microbial and biological solutions for a regenerative agriculture in a digital environment.