Improves the physical, chemical and microbiological conditions of the soils where it is applied. It provides fluffiness and improves water holding capacity, resulting in increased performance of the plant's root system.

Humic acids are characterised by their ability to restructure soils, making them spongy and improving water holding capacity, resulting in increased performance of the plant's root system. At the chemical level, the application of humic acids increases the ion exchange capacity of the soil, increases the availability of micronutrients through a chelating effect and improves the buffering capacity of the soil.

As a result of the physico-chemical modifications of the soil, microbial activity in the soil is promoted, resulting in a better establishment of beneficial bacteria and fungi for plant growth.

BioHumic 16 is a concentrated formulation based on humic and fulvic acids of natural origin.

  • Designed for application dissolved in irrigation water to enhance its beneficial effect on the soil.
  • Improves the physical, chemical and microbiological conditions of soils.

Commercial Features

Nutritional Contribution


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling

Commercial Features

    • Rooting 60%
    • Reinforcement against pests 20%
    • Boosting colour 20%
    • Sustainable agriculture40%