Liquid solution of soluble magnesium complemented by the presence of boron and molybdenum, and enhanced with the incorporation of a microalgae extract prepared using Trietech© technology developed by Biorizon Biotech.

The microalgae extract in Photopower has been specially chosen to enhance mobility and promote rapid absorption of the magnesium and micronutrients incorporated in the formulation.

Commercial Features


Biostimulatory effect


UE 2019/1009


Trietech© Technology


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling

Commercial Features

    • Growth 80%
    • Deficiency corrector 99%
    • Reinforcement against pests 60%
    • Boosting colour 60%
    • Sustainable agriculture 99%

    Mode of Action

    Photopower induces the rapid uptake of magnesium by plants, which is involved in intracellular pH regulation mechanisms and in the proper ionic balance of plants.
    The specific formulation of Photopower enhances flower fertilisation and correct fruit set.
    Application is recommended mainly at the beginning of flowering and early stages of fruit development.

    Demonstration and results
    Photopower in numbers


    Trial with two foliar applications of Photopower in Broccoli

    Cereales 2

    Trial with two foliar applications of Photopower in Barley

    Hortícolas al aire libre

    Trial with two irrigation applications of Photopower on onions


    Trial with two foliar applications of Photopower on Lettuce

    Cereales 2

    Trial with two foliar applications of Photopower on Wheat

    Cereales 2

    Trial with two foliar applications of Photopower on Maize