Algafert Eco Biostimulant adds the elimination of phosphates to the basic formulation, making it a fertiliser that is especially recommended for use on organic crops.

Microalgae hydrolysate is the secret of Algafert eco.
The selected microalgae contain a high concentration of amino acids, polysaccharides, phytohormones, trace elements and antioxidants, making them the biological complement par excellence. Its results have European studies and certifications which guarantee its properties as a biostimulant.

Commercial Features


Biostimulant effect


Trietech© Technology


Use in Organic Farming


UE 2019/1009


Organic Farming Inputs Certificate


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling

Commercial Features

    • Growth 80%
    • Rooting 80%
    • Reinforcement against pests 80%
    • Boosting colour 80%
    • Sustainable agriculture 99%

    Key Benefits

    This selection of microalgae is completely harmless and visibly improves the quality of the roots and the resistance of the plant without damaging it or compromising its final quality.

    The use is especially recommended for:

    • Fruit growth and fattening in organic plantations.
    • Faster rooting of crops.
    • Enhancement of natural fruit colours
    • Homogeneous size and ripening.
    • EU-certified biostimulant
    • SHC Ecological Certificate.
    • USDA certified organic farming NOP standard accredited by the USDA

    Demonstration and results
    Algafert Eco in numbers


    Trial with two foliar applications of Algafert Eco in Broccoli

    Cereales 2

    Trial two foliar applications of Algafert Eco on wheat

    Cereales 2

    Trial with two irrigation applications of Algafert Eco in barley


    Batavia lettuce trial with two applications of Algafert Eco


    Lettuce rooting test with two applications of Algafert Eco


    Lettuce rosette growth test with two applications of Algafert Eco


    Trial with two applications of Algafert Eco on table grapes.


    Trial with two applications of Algafert Eco on Brix in table grapes.