Algafert is the most effective natural fertiliser on the market based on microalgae.

This innovative natural bioproduct is the most efficient option on the market, and its secret lies in the careful selection and cultivation of an exceptional microalgae. Its unique composition makes it the perfect complement to improve and enhance fruit and vegetable production.

Carefully selected microalgae are the basis of this bioproduct. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to nourish and strengthen crops naturally and effectively. This microalgae has been cultivated under optimal conditions, which guarantees its purity and potency. It promotes healthier and more vigorous growth, while increasing plant resistance to various diseases and adverse conditions. It contains a blend of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds that result in a marked improvement in the quality and quantity of fruit and vegetable production. Crops treated with this bioproduct tend to be more robust, with more abundant harvests and larger fruits and vegetables.

This natural bio-product is a sustainable and environmentally friendly option, as its formulation is based on ecological principles. By reducing the need for chemical pesticides and fertilisers, it contributes to the preservation of soil health and biodiversity.

Commercial Features


Biostimulatory effect


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling


UE 2019/1009



Algafert is the most effective natural fertiliser on the market based on microalgae.

The enzymatic hydrolysate of microalgae is the secret of Algafert, which contains a high concentration of proteins, polysaccharides, trace elements and antioxidants, making it the natural supplement par excellence. Algafert is completely harmless and visibly improves the quality of the roots and the resistance of the plant without damaging it or compromising its final quality.

    • Growth99%
    • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
    • Power Colour80%
    • Sustainable agriculture60%
    • Rooting80%
      • Growth99%
      • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
      • Power Colour80%
      • Sustainable agriculture60%
      • Rooting80%

      Commercial Features

        • Growth99%
        • Anti Pest Reinforcement80%
        • Power Colour80%
        • Sustainable Agriculture60%
        • Rooting80%

        Benefits of Algafert

        When to apply?

        When to apply?

        Apply during transplanting, pleforation, flowering, fruit setting and fattening or at any time when these elements are needed.

        Complement for
        horticultural solution.

        Its 100% natural composition makes it the ideal complement to any horticultural solution.

        Plant resistance

        Improved plant resistance to pests, heat stress and diseases.

        Benefits of Algafert


        Apply during transplanting, pleforation, flowering, fruit setting and fattening or at any time when these elements are needed.

        Supplement for horticultural solution.

        Its 100% natural composition makes it the ideal complement to any horticultural solution.

        of the plant

        Improved plant resistance to pests, heat stress and diseases.