Kolor Neutro

Neutral potash solution with low molecular weight organic acids, produced with TrieTech© technology to improve fruit colour and quality by enhancing the synthesis of oils and sugars.

The potassium present in Kolor Neutro is associated with carboxylic groups present in organic molecules of natural origin, giving it greater activity and assimilation capacity by crops.

Kolor Neutro can be applied during the whole vegetative cycle as a base fertiliser to cover the potassium needs of the crops, however, it is advisable to use it mainly during the growth phases and, above all, during the fruit ripening phase. Potassium is a vital nutrient for plants, due to its involvement in various metabolic functions related to cell division, synthesis of sugars and pigments, consistency of cell walls and the water and osmotic balance of the plant.

Kolor Neutro is especially suitable for crops that require large amounts of potassium.

Recommended for:

  • Accelerate the formation, mobilisation and accumulation of sugars and essential oils in the plant's reserve organs.
  • Advance fruit ripening.
  • Improve the quality of the fruit due to the accumulation of nutritional reserves.
  • Higher Brix.
  • Obtain more consistent fruit, with better colouring, size and flavour.
  • Increased toughness of the skin and therefore resistance to fungal infections, e.g. rotting.
  • Increased turgidity in pre-prepared convenience vegetables.

Commercial Features

Nutritional Contribution


Trietech© Technology


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling

Commercial Features

    • Fattening 60%
    • Rooting 20%
    • Reinforcement against pests 40%
    • Boosting colour 99%
    • Sustainable agriculture 40%
      • Fattening 60%
      • Rooting 20%
      • Reinforcement against pests 40%
      • Boosting colour 99%
      • Sustainable agriculture 40%