It is a liquid solution of complexed copper designed to correct copper deficiency states.

In situations of copper deficiency, there is a decrease in the concentration of plastocyanins as well as plastoquinones and a reduction in the activity of the enzyme laccase.

All these phenomena are directly related to the photosynthetic capacity of the plant, so that copper deficiency immediately affects the entire photosynthetic apparatus of plants.

Copper is also necessary for the neutralisation of the superoxide radical anion formed during photorespiration, thus acting as a detoxifying agent by protecting cells from the destructive action of this overactive substance. A copper deficiency causes an immediate structural change in the chloroplasts, a clear sign of copper's protective action.

Commercial Features

Bioprotective effect


UE 2019/1009


Trietech© Technology


Use in Organic Farming


Organic Farming Inputs Certificate


Zero Waste and Wildlife Friendly


Sigfito, Packaging collection and recycling


It is a liquid solution of complexed copper designed to correct copper deficiency states.

In situations of copper deficiency, there is a decrease in the concentration of plastocyanins as well as plastoquinones and a reduction in the activity of the enzyme laccase.

All these phenomena are directly related to the photosynthetic capacity of the plant, so that copper deficiency immediately affects the entire photosynthetic apparatus of plants.

Copper is also necessary for the neutralisation of the superoxide radical anion formed during photorespiration, thus acting as a detoxifying agent by protecting cells from the destructive action of this overactive substance. A copper deficiency causes an immediate structural change in the chloroplasts, a clear sign of copper's protective action.

Commercial Features

    • Growth 99%
    • Preventive80%
    • Respectful aux fauna80%
    • Copper deficiency99%
    • Sustainable agriculture 99%

    Benefits of Cupractive

    Detoxifying agent

    Cupractive acts as a detoxifying agent by protecting cells from the destructive action of this overactive substance.

    Importance of copper

    Copper is an essential element for the proper functioning of plants, which preferably absorb it in free form.

    Slow and steady supply

    The formulation ensures that there is always a small amount of free copper in the presence of complexed copper, resulting in a slow and steady supply of free copper from the complexed form.