Quality Policy


Dedicated to the design and production of fertilisers and other biochemical products derived from microorganisms, it has considered quality and R&D in its activities and respect for the environment.


To be an international benchmark in the research and development of environmentally sustainable agricultural solutions based on microalgae, bacteria and cyanobacteria, through the design and development of circular economy processes, as well as new processes and products based on the exploitation of natural metabolites and compounds, as a way to replace synthetic chemicals in pest control and plant nutrition, for a new, modern and sustainable agriculture of the future. Our main purpose is to achieve the full satisfaction of our customers by meeting their expectations and causing the least possible environmental impact. In order to achieve this, we base ourselves on the following principles:



- We are committed to meeting both customer and legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and UNE 166002 Standards and any others to which the organisation subscribes.

- We are committed to a risk management approach to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality, Environment and RDI Management System.

- We are committed to developing the involvement and awareness of the company's personnel and interested parties in matters of protection and respect for the Environment, as a guarantee of Environmental Management.

- We are committed to the continuous prevention of pollution that will allow us to develop sustainably with our environment.

- We are committed to the quality of the services offered, understood as total customer satisfaction as well as that of other stakeholders, as a guarantee of continuity, growth and development.

- It is the commitment of ALL to be continuously informed of the innovations and technological changes required in the market, as well as the demand of the sector.

- Management is committed to supporting all R&D&I activities in order to improve the competitiveness of the centre as well as our products and services for the benefit of our customers.


- To assume the importance of the quality of our products, understood as total customer satisfaction and to provide consumer safety, as a guarantee of continuity, growth, development, seeking the highest quality in our sector and consolidating the external image of the company.

- Employees shall put the utmost interest in carrying out the tasks entrusted to them in order to achieve the objectives of the Organisation. ALL employees must be committed to quality, proper environmental management and the promotion of creativity, identification and characterisation of ideas, objectives and technological scenarios.

- The R&D&I management system will be the tool that will allow us to improve our products and services as well as to create new ones while respecting our commitment to environmental and social sustainability. The results of R&D&I management will be exploited in such a way as to maximise the use of the results obtained, while maintaining the utmost confidentiality.

- Good internal management, applying the necessary measures to minimise and correct the negative impacts on the environment caused by our activities, mainly our consumption of electricity, gas-oil, water, paper and cardboard, and to prevent any subsequent pollution that may be generated.

R&D&I Strategy

1. To carry out R&D&I projects as an engine for growth with the following specific objectives:

- Identification of metabolites from microalgae, cyanobacteria and bacteria for the development of natural solutions with biopesticide activity against agricultural pests and diseases.

- Development of prebiotic and probiotic solutions for the improvement of plant nutrition from a soil quality and health point of view through microbiota-plant interaction.

- Development of any biological solutions for use as biostimulants, biopesticides or biofertilisers to help reduce the use of synthetic chemical compounds in agriculture.

- Establishment of sustainable circular bioeconomy processes in the production of biomass from any micro-organism with potential use as feedstock for the development of sustainable agricultural solutions.

- Development of new knowledge based on the enhancement of the blue economy strategy.

2. Establishment of relations with reference R&D Centres and Institutions:

- Identification of exploitable and transferable knowledge in research groups and reference R&D centres.

- Establishment of studies and developments in consortium.

3. Intellectual property and dissemination:

- To protect the results obtained in the research and projects developed through its patent.

- To position the company as a benchmark in R&D&I in microbial and natural, sustainable solutions for agriculture through participation in international congresses, seminars and workshops.