This Human Rights Policy reflects Biorizon Biotech's commitment to respect human rights, especially those that affect our activity.

The Policy aims to define Biorizon Biotech's position on human rights in accordance with the main international conventions: the rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights (which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), the principles relating to fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organisation's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In addition, Biorizon Biotech reinforces respect for human rights through its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda.


This policy applies to all Biorizon Biotech activities regardless of their nature and location. Biorizon Biotech is committed to respect human rights, within its sphere of influence, in relation to employees, customers, business partners and suppliers. At the same time, it commits itself to facilitate the necessary actions to prevent any kind of human rights abuses within its sphere of influence and to support and promote human rights.


Biorizon Biotech respects the right to privacy and intimacy of all individuals and organisations with whom it interacts and will make appropriate use of personal data and information collected.

Biorizon Biotech is committed to respecting and promoting the right to freedom of opinion, information and expression within its scope of action, respecting the diversity of opinions within Biorizon Biotech and encouraging reciprocal communication with its stakeholders.

Biorizon Biotech ensures fair and favourable working conditions, with remuneration based on the principle of fair pay for work and equal pay for men and women. At the same time, the right to rest and leisure time is guaranteed.

Biorizon Biotech rejects forced or compulsory labour, especially child labour, and respects the rights of children in the areas where it operates.

Biorizon Biotech guarantees a safe and healthy working environment for its employees through the adoption of procedures and standards for occupational health and safety Biorizon Biotech guarantees respect for freedom of opinion and the internationally recognised right to collective bargaining.

Biorizon Biotech is committed to providing equal opportunities in access to employment and professional promotion, without discrimination on grounds of sex, age, race, sexual orientation, religion, origin, marital status or social condition.

Biorizon Biotech ensures a work environment free from harassment, abuse or bullying.

Biorizon Biotech is committed to publicly disseminate its Human Rights Policy so that its stakeholders are aware of it.

Biorizon Biotech is committed to supporting and respecting the protection of internationally recognised human rights within its sphere of influence and is committed to compliance and good human rights practices.